new arrivals

About Us

Launched in 2022, Sur Demande is not just an online store; we're a vibrant celebration of individuality, self-expression, and style. Our curated collection is a testament to the fact that fashion is not just about clothing, but a canvas for showcasing your unique personality.

Our collection is a carefully curated mix of eclectic pieces that blend seamlessly with your personality. From fun and flirty to bold and dramatic, our offerings reflect the kaleidoscope of styles that make you, you.

When you don our pieces, get ready to be bombarded with compliments and questions like, 'OMG, where did you get that?' Our unique and eye-catching designs are conversation starters that bring joy and excitement to every encounter.

We invite you to join us on our journey. Reach out to us anytime with requests or suggestions at, and tag us in your Sur Demande outfits on Social Media. We love to hear from you!